If I have given you one of my Business Cards, then congratulations!

It means I have been out and about scouting for aspiring potential models and I think you would be perfect for a FREE shoot.

Scouting Locations this week:

Liverpool – Birkenhead – New Brighton – Wallasey – West Kirby

FREE photoshoot and images

From time to time I come across someone, like you that looks amazing with your style of dress and looks. If I have given you my card it means that I am offering you the chance to try a photoshoot. This is FREE to you, no charge or hidden costs. You’ll get copies of all final images totally FREE as a portfolio or to start you on your way.


Nope! you need never of modelled before. Leave that to me to help you pose for each and every shot! All you need is a couple of hours free time and willingness to give it ago. We would shoot to your level and style, usually fashion. All shoots will in an environment that your comfortable in. A few examples below!